Why do dogs bark?
Dogs bark to communicate something to their owner or anyone who is willing to pay attention. Here are some of the reasons dogs bark:
Lack of exercise
Inadequate yard space
Not enough human companionship
Inadequate shelter from weather conditions
Hungry or thirsty
Medical condition
Change to family structure
Change of territory
Dogs also bark to alert their owners of trouble such as an intruder entering the property or perhaps fire. Although a dog's idea of an intruder may differ to that of the owner. It could include cats, possums, other dogs, or even birds flying across the property. While it is acceptable for a dog to bark to warn its owner of an intruder, it is the owner's responsibility to train the dog not to bark at 'normal occurrences' such as possums, cats, birds etc. Barking at 'normal movement/noises' from adjoining properties should be considered to be unacceptable behaviour.
Lack of exercise, inadequate yard space, boredom
Dogs become bored when they are confined in a backyard. This problem can be compounded when the yard is small, the dog is kept on a chain, locked in an enclosure or on a run. Dogs like to explore and enjoy new experiences. This problem may be overcome when the dog is treated as a member of the family, is included on family outings and taken on regular walks.
Loneliness, lacking human company
Dogs are social animals and enjoy the companionship of other dogs and of their human owners. Those that are left for long periods of time without companionship can become discontented or lonely. Dogs need to interact with other dogs and with people to keep them stimulated. Dogs that are not permitted to have regular socialisation with other animals and humans can become destructive, fearful, or bark excessively as a plea for attention. In the owner's absence, an old jumper containing the owner's scent may comfort the dog. A radio left on inside the house may give the dog the impression that it is not alone on the property. The radio may also help deter potential intruders.
Inadequate shelter
Dogs require shelter from all the weather elements and may cry for attention if it is uncomfortable due to the hot, cold, windy or wet weather conditions. They need shelter that provides soft, dry bedding, protection from the heat in the summer and warm and dry in the winter.
Hungry or thirsty
Dogs require plenty of fresh water and need to be fed well-balanced dietary food every day to remain healthy and contented. A dog will soon let its owner know by barking, howling or whimpering if it has not been fed or has no water.